The Parish Council has been concerned about speeding through the village for many years. We have been a member of the Speedwatch initiative, where community members were trained in the use of a radar gun, and were able to borrow it for a few weeks each year.
More recently, in January 2018, we were loaned a speed indicator sign for a week, which allowed us to monitor vehicle numbers and speed. This showed an aversge number of 442 vehicle/day, 21% of which were speeding. The maximum recorded speed was 57mph.
Whilst speeding takes place throughout the village, the bends on the approaches from Thorpe Waterville and the Lowick Road necessitate drivers reduce their speed. Of particular concern has been the speed of vehicles entering the vellage along the Wadenhoe Road, and residents in that area of Main Street have repeatedly asked about speed reduction measures.
After extensive discussion with NCC Highways about the options available to us, a gated entry was the only one acceptable to them. They have strict design criteria for this type of entry, and these have now been adopted and installed. We hope this will remind drivers of the 30mph speed limit and make them realise they are entering a village, where there are pedestrians, children, concealed drives, parked vehicles etc.