
Aldwincle parish council has 7 councillors and an electorate of about 260. 

The council meet every 6 weeks, usually on a Monday evening in Aldwincle Village Hall at 7.30pm. The agenda and minutes of our meetings are displayed on the Parish Council notice board outside the Village Hall, in addition to their availability on this site.

Parish Council meetings are open to the public, and each meeting opens with a public session at which parishioners can address the council on any relevant village issues. 

Parish Councillors

Mr Tim Hankins          Chairman                timhankinspcouncil@gmx.com

Mr Paul Williams         Vice-Chairman       pauldbwilliamsapc@icloud.com

Mr Bob Blakeman                                     bobblakemanpcouncil@gmx.com

Mr John Lawrence                                    johnlawrencepcouncil@gmail.com

Ms Vicki Cook                           vickicookaldwincleparishcouncil@outlook.com

Mr Bernard Lowe                                      btlowecouncil@gmx.com

Mr Barry Watts                                          aldwincle@yahoo.com


Clerk to the Parish Council  - Richard Reed  email: richardreed01@btinternet.com

                                    De Vere House, 10 Hawthorn Drive, Thrapston, NN14 4LQ



Register of Interests link:http://www.east-northamptonshire.gov.uk/downloads/download/1584/aldwincle_parish_council (to be updated)


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